Additions to the knowledge of Nevada carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and a preliminary list of carabids from the Great Basin National Park

Biodivers Data J. 2017 Jun 13:(5):e12250. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.5.e12250. eCollection 2017.


Background: Additions to the list of Carabidae known for Nevada, USA and carabid beetles found in the Great Basin National Park, NV are reported with notes on ecology and identification resources.

New information: For 79 species of carabids, we present 57 new state records, two state records previously reported in online resources, one confirmation of a previous questionable record for the state, and report 22 records for the Great Basin National Park that includes three new state records.

Keywords: Western USA beetle fauna; checklist; ground beetles.

Grants and funding

This project was funded in part by the Sponsored Projects for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) and the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) at U.C., Berkeley. Databasing efforts were in part supported by the CalBug project National Science Foundation Grant No. DBI 0956389.