Identity and self-esteem can be intimately related to the self-perceived appearance of one's genitalia, particularly when one begins a relationship with a new partner. Female genital aesthetics is a product of cultural norms and a woman's perceived concept of beauty. Both exist within the context of a woman's society and her perceived societal norms. Modern trends have moved towards a lack of pubic hair, making subtle labial irregularities more conspicuous and potentially rendering one more self-conscious in this area. Additionally, the free accessibility of pornographic photos or videos, and the normalization of open sexual imagery and discussion over sexual practices and preferences in many societies in recent years, have made many women feel their genitalia could be inadequate compared to these perceived societal norms. These women tend to avoid situations where they might feel vulnerable, including wearing tight pants or swimsuits, group showers, or sexual intimacy.
Patient awareness has led to significant demand for genital aesthetic surgery, and according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons 2017 Statistics, request for labiaplasty has increased by 217.2% from 2012 to 2017. Female aesthetic genital surgery can significantly enhance the confidence of a perceived or actual genital deformity, and labial reduction and clitoral hood surgery can give a natural appearance with an extremely high satisfaction rate exceeding 90%. Although there is no globalized, standard genital aesthetic ideal and there are variables according to cultural and geographic preferences, basic guidelines for genital aesthetics include 1) symmetrical labia minora that do not protrude past the labia majora, especially when standing; (2) a clitoral hood that is reasonably short and non-protuberant without extra folds; (3) full labia majora without redundant skin but not overly fatty which can cause an unsightly bulge in clothes, and (4) a mons pubis that has mild fullness but does not protrude in clothes.
Additionally, women with enlarged labia minora, majora, or with significant clitoral hooding can complain of irritation and discomfort with exercise, sexual intercourse, and the wearing of tight clothing. Massively enlarged labia can interfere with sexual intercourse, hygiene, and self-catheterization.
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