Death by hanging is asphyxiation when the body is suspended by means of a ligature. Most deaths by hanging are suicides, though occasionally they are accidental or a homicidal event. The characteristics of the hanging marks depend on the ligature used, the dynamics and on the node position with respect to the neck. When the crime scene is contaminated, the hanging mark must be checked with the type of suspension and ligatures used to establish how the hangings took place. We report on 20 cases (2013-2016) where the bodies were moved at or from the crime scene. We analysed the features of hanging marks, the tools of suspension and the ligatures employed in each case. Judicial inspections and an external examination were also carried out. Analysis of hanging marks enables the pathologist to clarify the manner of death and the type of hanging, and tools used especially where the crime scene has been contaminated and the body has been moved.
Keywords: Hanging; abrasions; ligatures; suicide; suspension.