Introduction and objectives: This report describes the results of analysis of implanted pacemakers reported to the Spanish Pacemaker Registry.
Methods: The analysis was based on information provided by the European Pacemaker Identification Card.
Results: Information was received from 115 hospitals, with a total of 12 697 cards, representing 32.3% of the estimated activity. Use of conventional and resynchronization pacemakers was 818 and 79 units per million inhabitants, respectively. A total of 200 leadless pacemakers were implanted. The mean age of the patients receiving an implant was 77.8 years, and 52% of devices were implanted in persons older than 80 years. In all, 74.9% were first implants and 23.4% corresponded to generator exchange. Endocardial leads were bipolar, 82.9% with active fixation, and 16.1% had magnetic resonance imaging protection. Most patients received bicameral sequential pacing, although single chamber pacing VVI(R) was used in 26.7% of the patients with sick sinus syndrome and in 23.8% of those with atrioventricular block, despite sinus rhythm.
Conclusions: Total use of pacemaker generators in Spain has increased by 1.6% compared with 2015. Most implanted leads have active fixation and less than 20% have magnetic resonance imaging protection. Age and sex directly influenced pacing mode selection, which could be improved in around 32% of patients.
Keywords: Biventricular pacing; Cables marcapasos; Estimulación biventricular; Marcapasos; Pacemaker leads; Permanent cardiac pacing; Registro; Registry.
Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.