PET/CT plays an important role in the diagnosis, staging and management of many pediatric malignancies. The techniques for performing PET/CT examinations in children have evolved, with increasing attention focused on reducing patient exposure to ionizing radiation dose whenever possible and minimizing scan duration and sedation times, with a goal toward optimizing the overall patient experience. This review outlines our approach to performing PET/CT, including a discussion of the indications for a PET/CT exam, approaches for optimizing the exam protocol, and a review of different approaches for acquiring the CT portion of the PET/CT exam. Strategies for PACS integration, image display, interpretation and reporting are also provided. Most practices will develop a strategy for performing PET/CT that best meets their respective needs. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview for radiologists who are new to pediatric PET/CT, and also to provide experienced PET/CT practitioners with an update on state-of-the art CT techniques that we have incorporated into our protocols and that have enabled us to make considerable improvements to our PET/CT practice.
Keywords: Attenuation correction; Diagnostic CT; Dose reduction; Hybrid imaging; Multidisciplinary interpretation; PET/CT; Pediatric oncology.