LT exerts considerable stress on the heart perioperatively. Limited data exist on impact of cardiovascular diseases on LT children. This study evaluated the outcomes of children with CVD who underwent LT and compared with pretransplant findings. From 518 LT recipients, 82 (15.8%) had CVD. Sixty patients were classified as low-risk adjustment for congenital heart surgery 1 (RACHS 1 and 2). Five patients were classified as RACHS ≥3. The most common echocardiographic finding in the CVD patients (25/82) was ASD. CVD patients had more abnormal EKG (32.4% vs 14.5%, P < .001), abnormal chest X-ray (11.8% vs 1.4%, P < .001), and altered echocardiography (89.7% vs 15.4%, P < .001) findings compared with the No-CVD group pretransplant. Post-transplant, significant differences between groups were observed related to abnormal EKG (14.7% vs 7.0%, P = .03) and echocardiography (48.5% vs 3.2%, P < .01) findings. Pretransplant ASD spontaneously closed in 22 patients. At 1 and 5 years post-transplant, there was no difference in the survival rate between groups (P = .96). The prevalence of CVD in recipients of LT was high, and its presence was associated with significantly higher cardiac decompensation before and after LT. Minor and moderate cardiovascular disease did not impact the long-term survival.
Keywords: cardiovascular disease; children; liver transplantation; outcomes; survival.
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.