Background: Head and neck malignancies often present as firm, solid nodal masses. However, malignancies arising from Waldeyer's Ring may give rise to cystic lymph nodes.
Methods: A 57-year-old man was referred for left-sided neck swelling of 2 weeks' duration. A CT scan revealed an enlarged cystic cervical node at level 5A/B and he underwent excision biopsy.
Results: Histology reported nodal fibrosis with melanophages. Further examination revealed a black nodule on his back where he had wide excision and the histology confirmed pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma.
Conclusion: Cervical lymphadenopathy can rarely be due to an upper back lesion, such as pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma. Thus, routine clinical examination of the upper back should be performed in patients with cervical lymphadenopathy.
Keywords: cystic lymphadenopathy; melanocytoma; nodal melanosis.
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