The clinical syndrome differentiation system of acupuncture-moxibustion was proposed in this paper, which should reflect the core of acupuncture theory and characteristics of treatment, and take syndrome differentiation of meridian as key component. In case of meridian syndrome differentiation guided by syndrome differentiation of eight principles, extra emphasis should be placed on the differences of jing-jin diseases and zangfu diseases. Differentiating location should be key in jing-jin diseases; the acupoints should be selected according to location, and appropriate technique should be applied according to symptoms. Zangfu diseases should based on syndrome differentiation of meridian and assisted by syndrome differentiation of zangfu; the key of zangfu diseases treatment was meridian-based acupoint selection, assisted by location-based acupoint selection; the emphasis should be placed on special acupoints, and reinforcing and reducing technique was selected according to cold-heat and deficiency-excess.
Keywords: acupuncture and moxibustion; jing-jin diseases; syndrome differentiation and treatment; syndrome differentiation of meridian; zangfu diseases.