A 69-year-oldfemale hadund ergone low anterior resection for rectal cancer(Rb). Histological examination showedwell differentiated adenocarcinoma with lymph node metastasis. Adjuvant chemotherapy with UFT was performed postoperatively. Nineteen months later, abdominoperineal resection was performedfor anastomotic recurrence andS -1 chemotherapy was made. As 2 left lung metastases appearedat the 44 months after first surgery, capecitabine was performedfor 4 years. At the 101 months after first surgery, sensory difficulty of right lower limb appearedandMRI revealedbrain tumor(single, 18mm) in the left parietal lobe. We performedgamma knife radiosurgery for the brain metastasis andmultiagent chemotherapy for lung metastases. Although the brain metastases have relapsedtwice, gamma knife providedgoodlocal control. She is surviving without symptom of brain metastases 37 months after the detection.