This Seminar highlights real-world efforts to improve urologic oncology practice through implementation science and its methods. The essays are crafted by former fellows of the Mentored Training for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Cancer (MT-DIRC) Program sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (1 R25 CA171994–01A1), its Cancer Research Network, and the Veterans Administration. The two-year fellowship program focused on capacity-building in dissemination and implementation (D&I) research to enable fellows to: 1) conduct high-quality D&I research, 2) speed up the translation of cancer prevention and control knowledge into practice and policy, and 3) lead efforts to train the next generation of D&I researchers. The program coupled international D&I experts and fellows with an innovative curriculum to accomplish these goals. Fortunately for our field, several urologists have completed this pioneering fellowship and share their science and insights in this Seminar.
Keywords: Dissemination; Implementation; Knowledge translation; Oncology; Quality improvement.