Purpose of review: GreenLight photoselective vaporization (GL-PV) is now established in the treatment of benign prostatic enlargement. The present review outlines the available technical armamentarium and summarizes the current best evidence on functional and safety outcomes. Moreover, future technical developments and refinements are presented.
Recent findings: GL-PV has evolved to be the most commonly performed procedure, second to conventional transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) for surgical management of benign prostatic obstruction (BPO). On the basis of the data published in the randomized controlled Goliath study, GL-PV with 180-W technology is noninferior in terms of functional outcomes compared with TURP considering short and intermediate follow-up with a complication-free rate of around 80% after 24 months.The ongoing push towards high-power lasers can be explained by their more effective tissue ablative effect, leading to shorter operating times. Comparative analysis between high-power and low-power laser systems demonstrated similar retreatment rates and most institutions are, therefore, now performing 180-W GL-PV.Performed as an outpatient procedure, GL-PV is cost-effective with a low hospital re-admission rate. Plasma kinetic vaporization of the prostate (PKVP) has recently emerged as a potential contender in the field; also GreenLight enucleation of the prostate (GreenLEP) might be even more effective than GL-PV.
Summary: GL-PV appears to be a well tolerated surgical alternative for patients suffering from BPO. Long-term follow-up data from 120-W and 180-W laser systems are still pending. Potential competitors have recently been brought to the market and further trials and long-term data will show, whether GL-PV will stand the test of time. Regardless of technical specifications, surgeon's experience remains essential to achieve good functional and safety outcomes.