Aim: To explore inflammatory biomarkers secreted by adipose stem cells (ASCs) in omental, retroperitoneal and subcutaneous adipose tissues of women with endometrial cancer.
Patients & methods: ASCs were collected from 22 women, aged 35-83 years, undergoing hysterectomy for endometrial cancer. Angiopoietin-2, EGF, IL-8, leptin, VEGFA, VEGFC and VEFGD levels in the ASC-conditioned media were analyzed by Luminex.
Results: We found a significant difference between the three depots for IL-8 (p < 0.0001), with the highest levels of IL-8 in the omental depot. VEGFA levels were highest in the retroperitoneal depot.
Conclusion: This is one of the first studies to explore biomarker expression in ASC-conditioned media in adipose tissue. ASC characteristics may be important to evaluate in relation to cancer risk.
Keywords: IL-8; adipogenenesis; adipose derived stem cells; adipose tissue; biomarkers; endometrial cancer; inflammation; metabolic disease; obesity; prevention.