Objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of transradial 5 French percutaneous treatment of coronary bifurcations using conventional devices.
Background: Radial artery is smaller than femoral artery, and its size may potentially limit transradial intervention, especially when coronary anatomy is not known.
Methods: Patients with bifurcations lesions undergoing transradial 5 French ad hoc revascularization were treated according to provisional side branch (SB) stenting followed by the POT-SB dilation-final POT sequence. Only conventional devices were used.
Results: Overall, 80 patients (58 men, 65 ± 10 years) were enrolled. True bifurcations accounted for 64% of cases, with the left anterior descending artery/diagonal branch being the most frequent bifurcation site (n = 37, 46%) and left main coronary artery bifurcation being treated in 6 (8%) patients. Angiographic success was achieved in 78 (97.5%) patients through a 5 French guiding catheter whereas in two cases, a 5-6 French guiding catheter upgrade was required to optimize SB treatment after the main bifurcation vessel have been secured. Overall, procedural success was achieved in all but one patient who had periprocedural necrosis following multivessel PCI. Another patient underwent target bifurcation revascularization because of a critical restenosis in a significant SB yielding an acute coronary syndrome five months after the index procedure.
Conclusions: This study demonstrates the feasibility of transradial 5 French bifurcation intervention with nondedicated devices and preliminary supports its efficacy and safety over a wide range of bifurcation anatomy and complexity.
Keywords: 5 French; coronary bifurcation; slender; transradial interventions.
© 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.