Hormonal and intrauterine contraceptive methods provide women with highly efficient protection against undesired pregnancy. Additional non-contraceptive effects are now well documented. Combined hormonal contraceptives use, either through the oral transdermal and vaginal route, allow a reduction in menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, functional ovarian cysts, benign breast and uterine disease, endometriosis-related pain and recurrence. A reduction in ovarian cancer risks, including in women with BRCA syndrome, endometrial and colon cancer is documented. This effect is prolonged for years after contraception discontinuation. Non-contraceptive benefits of progestin-only contraceptives are less documented. Use of the levonorgestrel IUD is associated with a reduction in menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea including in case of endometriosis. Copper IUD use is associated with a decrease in cervix and endometrial cancer risk.
Keywords: Cancer; Contraception hormonale; DIU; Dysmenorrhea; Dysménorrhée; Hormonal contraception; IUD; Menorrhagia; Ménorragie.
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