Introduction: The Hospital Hygiene Unit ensures hospital patient safety, through surveillance and control of environmental conditions of risk. In this context, resident physicians in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC) are required to attend the unit to acquire professional skills, for two months (four weeks in the first year of residency and four weeks in the second year). In the initial phase of the rotation, residents are acquainted with the organization and assigned activities. Ongoing meetings with the tutor take place to verify the progress of activities in which they are involved; verification of acquired skills is performed at the end of the period of attendance. The aim of the study was to evaluate resident doctors' opinions about their training experience, in order to assess the perceived quality and pursue continuous improvement of the training program.
Materials and methods: A questionnaire was administered to resident physicians attending the first three years of residency; the survey consisted of 11 multiple choice questions on organization, attendance, training and overall satisfaction and 3 open-ended questions on strengths, weaknesses and proposals for improvement.
Results: Fourteen of 15 residents (93.3%) completed the questionnaire: seven were male, five were first-year residents, five were second-year and four were third-year residents. Overall, 78% gave a positive assessment of the quality of training; in particular, 11 of 14 residents reported that the experience was very relevant to their training in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. Responses regarding the training organization were also mostly positive (75%), as were those regarding attendance (57%) and overall satisfaction (67%). Fifty percent reported difficulties in combining this internship with the other activities planned with their tutor.
Conclusions: Positive opinions prevail in all areas of assessment, although there are some aspects that can be improved, including the possibility to extend the period of attendance. Overall, training activities at the Operative Unit of Hospital Hygiene are appreciated by resident physicians, who consider them an important opportunity for professional growth.