Alcohol is the most widely used substance of abuse among youths in Nigeria. Underage drinking poses a serious public health problem in most colleges and despite the health and safety risk, consumption of alcohol is rising. Having recourse to the public health objective on alcohol by the World Health organization, which is to reduce the health burden caused by the harmful use of alcohol, thereby saving live and reducing injuries, this data article explored the nature of alcohol use among college students, binge drinking and the consequences of alcohol consumption. Secondary school students are in a transition developmentally and this comes with its debilitating effects such as risky alcohol use which affects their health and educational attainment [1], [2]. This data article consists of data obtained from 809 (ages 14-20 years) participants from selected schools in Ota, near Lagos State, Nigeria. For data collection, the youth questionnaire on underage drinking was employed. This data article presents information on participants' alcohol demographics. Analyses of the data can provide insights into heavy episodic drinking (HED), ever drinkers, prevalence of alcohol consumption, strategies to reducing alcohol use, reasons for underage drinking and effects of alcohol consumption. The data will be useful for public health interventions.
Keywords: Alcohol; College; Nigeria; Underage drinking; Youths.