The etiological structure of the acute diarrhoeal infections among the population of the Odessa region during 2015-2017 was analyzed. Based on the registered cases, an assessment of the frequency of hospitalization of sick persons from different age groups was undertaken. The most frequent pathogens from 18 detected bacterial causative agents were St. aureus, Kl. pneumoniae, Ps. aeruginosa, E. coli, Pr. vulgaris, Ent.cloacae. During 2016-2017 the mixed infection was detected in 54 fecal samples. Bacterial-virus associations were detected in 20 samples and were presented in St. aureus, Kl. pneumoniae, Ps. Aeruginosa and Rotavirus. During the summer period of 2016, the detection rate of rota-, noro-, adenovirus antigens in the examined fecal samples of adult patients was 13.60%. According to the results of genotyping of the circulating rotaviruses strains in 2016, strains G1P[8] (46.70%) and G3P[8] (26.70%) are most commonly detected.