Purpose: To determine the incidence of ocular hypertension following surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in the first 3 months postoperatively and to determine their outcomes in terms of visual acuity, control of IOP, and changes in cup:disc ratio.
Patients and methods: A single center prospective cohort study was done involving patients who underwent retinal surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. The patients were followed up for 3 months postoperatively and were monitored for development of ocular hypertension. The primary outcome measures were changes in IOP, visual acuity, and cup:disc ratio.
Results: Of the 52 eyes enrolled in the study, 19 eyes developed ocular hypertension in the first 3 months postoperatively, giving an incidence rate of 36.5% (95% CI, 48.9-76.0%). Analysis of mean IOP trends shows that most cases of IOP elevations occur in the first day postoperatively with a sustained elevation up to the first month and then returning to normal levels by the 3rd month. There is a significant increase in mean cup:disc ratio among patients who developed ocular hypertension (p=0.047). Visual acuity trends show that mean visual acuity significantly improved from baseline among cases who maintained normal IOP (p=0.002) as compared to those who developed ocular hypertension (p=0.97), although the difference in final visual acuity at the end of 3 months between groups was not statistically significant (p=0.30).
Conclusion: Ocular hypertension may complicate retinal reattachment surgery. Control of IOP in the acute setting is essential to prevent development of secondary glaucoma.
Keywords: intraocular pressure; ocular hypertension; retinal detachment surgery; secondary glaucoma.