The Transplant Therapeutics Consortium (TTC), a public-private partnership (PPP) led by the Critical Path Institute (C-Path), recently published a whitepaper titled "The Importance of Drug Safety and Tolerability in the Development of New Immunosuppressive Therapy for Transplant Recipients" by Stegall et al in the American Journal of Transplantation. As staff members of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA), Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Office of New Drugs and Office of Translational Science, and the Oncology Center of Excellence, we would like to provide our perspective on the TTCs efforts and the whitepaper.
Keywords: clinical trial; editorial/personal viewpoint; kidney transplantation / nephrology; kidney transplantation: living donor.
Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.