Aim: To assess epidemiological data about respiratory distress (RD) in newborn infants hospitalized in Western Switzerland.
Methods: During 1 year, two questionnaires were sent out to the seven neonatal and pediatric units of a well-defined geographic region in Switzerland. Data about their obstetrical activity and details about all newborn infants hospitalized with RD were collected, asking for pre-, peri-, and postnatal clinical data in association with RD.
Results: Almost 6% of all newborn infants born in the Canton of Vaud had to be hospitalized for RD. All newborn infants below 32 weeks of gestational age (GA) had developed RD, accounting for 14.6% of all neonates, hospitalized with RD, whereas the moderate to late preterm infants contributed with 36.8% much more to the RD hospitalizations. Associated factors to hospitalizations with RD were prematurity, cesarean delivery, and multiple births.
Conclusions: Efforts should be made to reduce avoidable RD by reconsidering the management of pregnancies with premature rupture of the membranes around 34 weeks of GA and by delaying elective cesarean sections after 39 completed weeks of gestation.
Keywords: Cesarean section; RDS; neonatology; newborn infant; preterm infant; respiratory distress; term infant.