Forty couples with infertility due to various causes were selected for the gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) program at our hospital. When the first 21 couples (Group A) had been treated in the program, the rate of pregnancy achieved was 23.8%, which did not seem satisfactory. This might have been caused by the distance between the embryo laboratory and the operating room. To eliminate this defect, a Mobile Oocyte Incubation Unit (MOIU) was designed. This is actually a compact laboratory that can be placed in the operating room. After the MOIU was utilized, the rate of pregnancy for the following 19 couples (Group B) increased to 42.1%. The MOIU has helped improve the performance of the GIFT program by increasing the stability of the pH value of the culture medium (Chetkowski R, et al.: J Vitro Fert Embryo Transfer 1985;2:207), lessening the exposure of the gametes to air and room temperature, and most importantly, shortening the time required for a GIFT procedure from 45-100 to 15-30 min. We expect that the MOIU will eventually become an integral part of the standard equipment for the GIFT program and make the program more successful and reliable in the treatment of infertility.