[Intestinal microbiom modulates the response to antitumor immunotherapy]

Biomed Khim. 2020 Jan;66(1):54-63. doi: 10.18097/PBMC20206601054.
[Article in Russian]


Numerous studies confirm the high degree of involvement of the intestinal microbiota in most processes in the human body. There is evidence for the effect of intestinal microbiota on the success of chemo and immunotherapy of oncological diseases. It is assumed that the intestinal microbiota exhibits an indirect effect on the antitumor therapy through such mechanisms as general immunomodulation, an increase in cells that specifically respond to antigens of both microbial and tumor origin, metabolism, degradation (utilization) of drug compounds. The intestinal microbiota is currently considered as an additional, but important target for studying the effective use of antitumor therapy and reducing its toxicity, as well as a predictor of the success of immunotherapy. In this review, we highlight the results of studies published to date that confirm the relationship between gut microbiome and antitumor efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors. Despite the promising and theoretically substantiated conclusions, there are still some discrepancies among the existing data that will have to be addressed in order to facilitate the further development of this direction.

Mnogochislennye issledovaniia podtverzhdaiut vysokuiu stepen' vovlechennosti mikrobioty kishechnika v bol'shinstvo protsessov, proiskhodiashchikh v organizme cheloveka. Est' dannye o vliianii mikrobioty kishechnika na uspeshnost' provedeniia khimio- i immunoterapii pri onkozabolevaniiakh. Pri étom rassmatrivaetsia vklad v étot protsess kak predstaviteleĭ konkretnykh taksonov mikroorganizmov, tak i vseĭ mikroflory, realizuiushchikh sovmestnyĭ metabolicheskiĭ potentsial. Predpolagaetsia, chto vliianie mikrobioty kishechnika na protivoopukholevuiu terapiiu mozhet byt' oposredovanno cherez takie mekhanizmy, kak obshchaia immunomoduliatsiia, uvelichenie kletok, spetsificheski reagiruiushchikh na antigeny kak mikrobnogo, tak i opukholevogo proiskhozhdeniia, metabolizm, degradatsiia (utilizatsiia) lekarstvennykh soedineniĭ. Na segodniashniĭ den' mikrobiota kishechnika rassmatrivaetsia kak dopolnitel'nyĭ, no nemalovazhnyĭ tselevoĭ ob"ekt izucheniia éffektivnogo primeneniia onkoterapii i snizheniia ee toksichnosti, a takzhe v kachestve prediktora uspeshnosti immunoterapii. V étom obzore my analiziruem opublikovannye na segodniashniĭ den' rezul'taty issledovaniĭ, podtverzhdaiushchie sviaz' mezhdu mikrobiomom kishechnika i protivoopukholevoĭ éffektivnost'iu ingibitorov immunnykh kontrol'nykh tochek. Nesmotria na mnogoobeshchaiushchie i teoreticheski obosnovannye vyvody, vse eshche ostaiutsia nekotorye nesootvetstviia sredi sushchestvuiushchikh dannykh, kotorye pridetsia ustranit', chtoby sposobstvovat' dal'neĭshemu razvitiiu dannogo napravleniia.

Keywords: anti-PD-1 therapy; immune checkpoint inhibitors; intestinal microbiota.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Gastrointestinal Microbiome*
  • Humans
  • Immunotherapy*
  • Intestines / microbiology*
  • Neoplasms / therapy*