The System NaCl-AlCl3

J Res Natl Bur Stand A Phys Chem. 1974 Jul-Aug;78A(4):505-507. doi: 10.6028/jres.078A.033.


The system NaCl-AlCl3 has been restudied by DTA, visual observation, and x-ray diffraction powder techniques for identification of crystalline phases. It was confirmed that the system contains one intermediate compound NaAlCl4 with an incongruent mp of 153 ± 0.5 °C and a region of liquid immiseibility extending from 80.25 to 99.6 mol percent AlCl3 at 191.3 °C, the monotectic temperature.

Keywords: Immiseibility; NaAlCl4; phase equilibrium; system AlCl3-NaCl; system NaCl-AlCl3.