Introduction: Alopecia is a common complication in patients following kidney transplantation; however, reports regarding liver transplantation patients are still few.
Methods: This study followed 111 children who underwent living related liver transplantation. Alopecia patients and its possible risk factors were analyzed.
Results: Alopecia occurred in 3 patients (2.7%). Underlying diseases were biliary atresia and Alagille syndrome. Clinically significant alopecia (universal alopecia) occurred in 1 patient with Alagille syndrome. All patients received tacrolimus as their immunosuppression drug. None of the patients who received cyclosporine experienced alopecia. The onset of alopecia ranged from 7 to 28 months after transplantation. Alopecia was treated with a topical corticosteroid and topical tacrolimus, but 1 patient with clinically severe alopecia required conversion from tacrolimus to cyclosporine A.
Conclusions: Alopecia is 1 complication seen in children receiving tacrolimus therapy following living donor liver transplant. Prompt management of this cosmetic complication should be done to ensure patients' compliance to medication regimen.
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