Insoluble amyloid fibrils formed by self-assembly of amyloidogenic regions of proteins have a cross-β-structure. In this work, by using targeted molecular dynamics and rigid body simulation, we demonstrate that if a protein consists of an amyloidogenic region and a globular domain(s) and if the linker between them is short enough, such molecules cannot assemble into amyloid fibrils, instead, they form oligomers with a defined and limited number of β-strands in the cross-β core. We show that this blockage of the amyloid growth is due to the steric repulsion of the globular structures linked to amyloidogenic regions. Furthermore, we establish a relationship between the linker length and the number of monomers in such nanoparticles. We hypothesise that such oligomerisation can be a yet unrecognised way to form natural protein complexes involved in biological processes. Our results can also be used in protein engineering for designing soluble nanoparticles carrying different functional domains.
Keywords: Amyloids; Functional nanoparticles; Rigid body simulation; Targeted molecular dynamics.
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