May Measurement Month 2018: an analysis of blood pressure screening results in Georgia

Eur Heart J Suppl. 2020 Aug;22(Suppl H):H56-H58. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/suaa028. Epub 2020 Aug 28.


May Measurement Month (MMM) is aimed at raising public awareness about arterial hypertension-the main risk factor for cardiovascular diseases in the population. Screening was carried out at 200 sites on a national scale. More than 500 volunteers, including doctors (80%) and medical students (20%) participated in the screening. To familiarize them with the research tools and standard blood pressure (BP) measurement method, their training was conducted by the Georgian Society of Hypertension in Tbilisi and other large cities. Social and mass media, medical societies, and other stakeholders were actively involved in the recruitment process. A total of 10 756 people were screened. The mean age of participants was 53.1 years (SD 16.1). Males-67.9%, females-32.1%. One hundred percent were White. After multiple imputation, the number of hypertensive patients was 6.037 (56.1%) and out of them 4950 were aware and 4701 (77.9%) were on medication, 1336 (22.1%) were not taking a medication. Of those taking antihypertensive medication, 38.2% had controlled BP. In spite of non-randomized selection and certain restrictions with respect to extrapolation of the results, MMM comprehensively reflects an urgent problem and major gaps in the health system. Based on the above, its importance is extremely valuable for identifying public health policy priorities.

Keywords: Control; Hypertension; May Measurement Month.