Background: Computerized insulin infusion protocols have demonstrated higher staff satisfaction, better compliance with protocols, and increased time with glucose in range compared to paper protocols. At University of California San Diego Health (UCSDH), we implemented an insulin infusion computer calculator (IICC) and transitioned it from a web-based platform directly into the electronic medication administration record (eMAR) of our primary electronic health record (EHR).
Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of 6306 adult patients at UCSDH receiving intravenous (IV) insulin infusion from March 7, 2013 to May 30, 2019. We created three periods of the study-(1) the pre-eMAR integration period; (2) the eMAR integration period; and (3) the post-eMAR integration period-and looked at the percentage of readings within goal range (90-150 mg/dL for intensive care unit [ICU], 90-180 mg/dL for non-ICU) in patients with and without hyperglycemic emergencies. As our safety endpoints, we elected to look at incidence of blood glucose (BG) readings <70 mg/dL, <54 mg/dL, and <40 mg/dL.
Results: Pre-eMAR 69.8% of readings were in the 90-150 mg/dL range compared to 70.2% post-eMAR (P = .03) and 82.7% of readings were in the 90-180 mg/dL range pre-eMAR versus 82.9% (P = .09) post-eMAR in patients without hyperglycemic emergencies. Rates of hypoglycemia with BG <70 mg/dL were 0.43%, <54 mg/dL were 0.07%, and <40 mg/dL were 0.01% of readings pre- and post-eMAR.
Conclusions: At UCSDH, our IICC has shown to be safe and effective in a wide variety of clinical situations and we were able to successfully transition it from a web-based platform directly into the eMAR of our primary EHR.
Keywords: calculator; computer protocol; diabetes; hospital diabetes; inpatient diabetes; insulin infusion; nurse driven.