Background: We used initial plain computed tomography to delineate acutely occluded internal carotid arteries or horizontal segments of middle cerebral arteries. If affected arteries could be delineated using initial plain computed tomography, useful information might be obtained that could support endovascular thrombectomies.
Methods: In 15 patients with occluded internal carotid arteries or horizontal segments of middle cerebral arteries, the affected middle cerebral artery was automatically traced using the extender function for blood vessel tracing with reference to the default value (window setting, 40; window width, 90) on Ziostation 2 (Ziosoft Inc., Tokyo, Japan) based on initial plain computed tomography data.
Results: The horizontal and sylvian segments of the middle cerebral artery were delineated in 15 and nine patients, respectively, based on plain computed tomography volume data. Images of occluded vessels delineated by plain computed tomography closely correlated with digital subtraction angiography.
Conclusions: Initial plain computed tomography combined with a new generation workstation enabled the rapid delineation of occluded segments of intracranial vessels and could provide useful information that might improve the safety of endovascular thrombectomy.
Keywords: Mechanical thrombectomy; Middle cerebral artery; Occluded artery; Plain CT.
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