The Effect of Multiple Assessments on Delirium Detection: a Pilot Study

Can Geriatr J. 2020 Dec 1;23(4):277-282. doi: 10.5770/cgj.23.433. eCollection 2020 Dec.


Background: Delirium is characterized by fluctuating attention or arousal, with high prevalence in the orthopaedic ward. Our aim was to: 1) establish the prevalence of delirium on an orthopaedic ward, and 2) compare delirium prevalence using a single geriatrician assessment vs. multiple 3D-CAM (3-Minute Diagnostic Interview for Confusion Assessment Method) assessments during the day. We hypothesized that multiple assessments would increase the detection rate due to the fluctuating nature of delirium.

Methods: Comparative study conducted at an academic hospital in Hamilton, Ontario. Participants included patients 65 years and older admitted to the orthopaedic ward (n=55). After a geriatrician made the first assessment of delirium by 3D-CAM on each patient, teams with specialized geriatrics training re-assessed participants up to four times. Delirium rates based on first assessment were compared to cumulative end-of-day rates to determine if detection increased with multiple assessments.

Results: The prevalence of delirium was 30.9% (17 participants) using multiple assessments. Of these cases, 13 (76.4%) were detected in the initial geriatrician assessment. In patients with hip fractures, 70.6% (12 of 17) were identified as delirious by multiple assessments.

Conclusion: As symptoms fluctuate, multiple daily CAM assessments may increase the identification of delirium in orthopaedic inpatients.

Keywords: 3D-CAM; delirium; multiple observations; orthopedic; point-prevalence.