Objective: To describe the regional and demographic differences on passive non-smokers from 10 regions involved in the China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB) study. Methods: Detailed information regarding passive smoking behaviors related to 317 486 non-smokers who were 30-79 years old from the 10 study regions were gathered and analyzed. Results: Following the standardization of the 2010 China national population, the prevalence rate of passive smoking was 56.7%, and the prevalence rate of living with smokers was 66.5% among the Chinese adults. Both of the aforementioned rates were higher in rural than in urban areas. Meanwhile, the regional distribution of weekly passive smoking frequency and cumulative duration of passive smoking per week and cumulative duration of passive smoking per day were significantly different. The cumulative passive smoking duration per week increased along with the weekly frequency in people living in urban areas. Among women, the weekly passive smoking frequency was the highest, and the cumulative durations per week and per day appeared the lowest in Hunan, opposite to the situation in Henan. The prevalence of passive smoking among participants living with smokers was 2.27 times (95%CI: 2.24-2.29) of those who were not and the association appeared stronger in women (OR=2.61, 95%CI: 2.58-2.64) but not in men (OR=1.01, 95%CI: 0.95-1.06). Almost all the indicators seemed higher in women than those in men, except for the cumulative duration per day. Furthermore, these indicators appeared higher among those who were at younger age or with less education. The prevalence rates of passive smoking and living with smokers were lower but the cumulative duration per day was higher among those with lower household income. And the two rates were higher in married women and lower in married men, as compared to their counterparts. Conclusion: Regional and demographic differences in passive smoking were noticed among study population of CKB in the 10 regions.
目的: 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)项目10个地区非吸烟人群被动吸烟行为特征的地区和人群分布差异。 方法: 分析10个地区317 486名30~79岁非吸烟者在基线调查时的被动吸烟行为信息,描述其被动吸烟行为特征的地区和人群分布差异。 结果: 按照全国人口普查结果进行标化,我国成年人被动吸烟率为56.7%,与吸烟者共同居住率为66.5%,其中农村高于城市。周被动吸烟频率、周被动吸烟累计时长、日均被动吸烟时长具有明显的地区差异,城市地区的周被动吸烟累计时长随周被动吸烟频率的增加而增加,女性中湖南省的周被动吸烟频率较高,但周被动吸烟累计时长较低,日均被动吸烟时长最低,河南省却与之相反;与吸烟者共同居住者的被动吸烟率是从未共同居住者的2.27倍(95%CI:2.24~2.29),且在女性中关联更强(OR=2.61,95%CI:2.58~2.64),而在男性中二者无关(OR=1.01,95%CI:0.95~1.06)。女性除日均被动吸烟时长小于男性外,其余指标均大于男性;且年龄较小、文化程度较低者的多数被动吸烟指标较高;家庭年收入较低者的被动吸烟率和与吸烟者共同居住率较低,但日均被动吸烟时长较高;女性在婚者的被动吸烟率、与吸烟者共同居住率较高,男性与之相反。 结论: CKB项目10个地区非吸烟人群的被动吸烟率、周被动吸烟频率、周被动吸烟累计时长和日均被动吸烟时长以及与吸烟者共同居住率、共同居住年限均存在明显的地区和人群分布差异。.
Keywords: Living with smokers; Passive smoking; Population differences; Regional differences.