1 Sheila Sherlock Liver Centre and UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK; NHS Blood and Transplant, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, UK.
2 NHS Blood and Transplant, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, UK.
3 Edinburgh Transplant Centre, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
4 Liver Transplant Unit, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, Leeds, UK.
5 Department of Surgery, Cambridge Universities Hospital Trust, Cambridge, UK.
6 Paediatric Liver, Gastrointestinal, Nutrition Centre and Mowat Labs, King's College Hospital, London, UK.
7 Liver Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK.
8 Liver Transplant Unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle University, Newcastle NE7 7DN, UK. Electronic address: steven.masson@nhs.net.
9 Sheila Sherlock Liver Centre and UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.
10 Liver Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK; Liver Unit, Birmingham Children's Hospital, Birmingham, UK.
11 Institute of Liver Studies, King's College Hospital, London, UK.
12 Highly Specialised Services, NHS England and NHS Improvement, UK.
13 NHS Blood and Transplant, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, UK; Liver Transplant Unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle University, Newcastle NE7 7DN, UK.