Recent demonstrations of RNA-DNA chimeras (RDNA) enabling RNA and DNA replication, coupled with prebiotic co-synthesis of deoxyribo- and ribo-nucleotides, have resurrected the hypothesis of co-emergence of RNA and DNA. As further support, we show that diamidophosphate (DAP) with 2-aminoimidazole (amido)phosphorylates and oligomerizes deoxynucleosides to form DNA-under conditions similar to those of ribonucleosides. The pyrimidine deoxynucleoside 5'-O-amidophosphates are formed in good (≈60 %) yields. Intriguingly, the presence of pyrimidine deoxynucleos(t)ides increased the yields of purine deoxynucleotides (≈20 %). Concomitantly, oligomerization (≈18-31 %) is observed with predominantly 3',5'-phosphodiester DNA linkages, and some (<5 %) pyrophosphates. Combined with previous observations of DAP-mediated chemistries and the constructive role of RDNA chimeras, the results reported here help set the stage for systematic investigation of a systems chemistry approach of RNA-DNA coevolution.
Keywords: DNA; RNA; diamidophosphate; oligomerization; phosphorylation.
© 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH.