Purpose: The Health Resources and Services Administration's Maternal and Child Health Bureau (HRSA MCHB) developed a three-tiered performance measure framework for the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant program (MCH Title V). The third tier, evidence-based/informed strategy measures (ESMs) are developed by states to address National Performance Measures (NPM) goals. To support states' efforts, MCHB funded the "Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health" (STE) to: (1) define the concept of evidence for the field with an emphasis on strength; (2) identify available evidence for each NPM, (3) translate ESM research for use at the state level; and (4) provide technical assistance (TA) to states to facilitate implementation.
Description: The program conducted evidence reviews defining an "evidence continuum" emphasizing a continuum of strength, provided individual and group TA to MCH Title V grantees, launched a TA referral system, and reviewed state ESMs to assess use of evidence-based/informed strategies.
Assessment: Ten evidence reviews identified multiple strategies as having "emerging" or "moderate" evidence. TA reached all MCH Title V programs, encompassing 59 US states and jurisdictions, and the TA referral system effectively partnered with MCHB resources. All MCH Title V states and territories submitted ESMs for the Block Grant program's first year reporting requirement.
Conclusion: STE is the first program to review available evidence on effective strategies addressing NPMs for MCH Title V. Identifying actionable next steps responsive to state needs will be a key factor for continued implementation of ESMs and achieving improvements in MCH.
Keywords: Block Grant; Evidence-based public health; Maternal and child health; Public health workforce; Title V.