The opioid crisis has disproportionately affected women, but research on approaches to increase initiation of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) among women is limited. The Kentucky Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) will implement a type 1 hybrid effectiveness and implementation trial to examine an innovative MOUD pretreatment model using telehealth (alone and in combination with peer navigators) for justice-involved women in transition from jail to the community. The overall goal of the project is to increase initiation and maintenance of MOUD among high-risk justice-involved women during community reentry to reduce opioid relapse and overdose. This project and other studies through the JCOIN network have the potential to significantly impact the OUD treatment field by contributing empirical evidence about the effectiveness and implementation of innovative technologies to increase initiation and maintenance of MOUD during a critical, high-risk time of community reentry among vulnerable, justice-involved individuals in both urban and nonurban communities.
Keywords: Cost-effectiveness; Implementation; JCOIN; Opioid use disorder treatment; Peer navigation; Women offenders.
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