Subsequently to the publication of the above article, an interested reader drew to the authors' attention that, in Fig. 1B on p. 1552, the MCF‑7 and T24, and the A549 and ScaBER data panels, respectively, appeared to be strikingly similar. After having re‑examined the original data, the authors have realized that these pairings of data panels were indeed duplicates of each other. Essentially, errors were made in the labelling of the data panels pertaining to the separate experiments, and in the compilation of the published version of Fig. 1. The authors, however, were willing to repeat the affected experiments, and obtained results that were consistent with those of the experiments that had been originally performed. Consequently, the revised version of Fig. 1 is shown below, showing the new data for Fig. 1B. The results from the flow cytometric analysis demonstrated the abnormally high expression level of TGF‑β receptor II in T24 cells. The authors confirm that these data support the main conclusions presented in their paper, and are grateful to the Editor of International Journal of Oncology for allowing them this opportunity to publish a Corrigendum. They also apologise to the readership for any inconvenience caused. [the original article was published in International Journal of Oncology 43: 1549‑1559, 2013; DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2013.2065].