Protective humoral memory forms in secondary lymphoid organs where B cells undergo affinity maturation and differentiation into memory or plasma cells. Here, we provide a comprehensive roadmap of human B cell maturation with single-cell transcriptomics matched with bulk and single-cell antibody repertoires to define gene expression, antibody repertoires, and clonal sharing of B cell states at single-cell resolution, including memory B cell heterogeneity that reflects diverse functional and signaling states. We reconstruct gene expression dynamics during B cell activation to reveal a pre-germinal center state primed to undergo class switch recombination and dissect how antibody class-dependent gene expression in germinal center and memory B cells is linked with a distinct transcriptional wiring with potential to influence their fate and function. Our analyses reveal the dynamic cellular states that shape human B cell-mediated immunity and highlight how antibody isotype may play a role during their antibody-based selection.
Copyright © 2021 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.