Background: Pouring rights contracts are agreements in which beverage companies pay universities for exclusive marketing and rights to sell sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) in campus. This study explored university stakeholder's awareness and opinions of university pouring rights contracts. Methods: Nine hundred fifteen university stakeholders self-reported their awareness and support of pouring rights contracts along with several possible determinants of support (age, gender, nutrition education, beliefs about SSBs, beverage intake). Results: About 64.2% of participants reported no awareness of pouring rights contracts whereas only 38% reported agreeing with university pouring rights contracts. Males, undergraduate students, and those who felt individuals are responsible for their SSB consumption were more likely to support pouring rights contracts. Conclusions: University stakeholders were largely unaware of and unsupportive of pouring rights contracts. Universities are encouraged to consider the health impacts and opinions of university stakeholders when deciding whether to enter into pouring rights contracts.
Keywords: mixed methods; pouring rights; sugar-sweetened beverages; survey; university.