Professional identity is developed through a self-understanding as a nurse along with experience in clinical practice and understanding of their role. Personal and professional factors can influence its development. A recent integrative literature review synthesised factors that influenced registered nurse's perceptions of their professional identity into three categories of the self, the role and the context of nursing practice. This review recommended that further research was needed into professional identity and how factors and perceptions changed over time. The aims of this study were to explore registered nurses' understanding of professional identity and establish if it changed over time. A mixed-methods study using a two-stage design with an on-line survey and focus groups was implemented with registered nurses who were studying nursing at a postgraduate level in Australia or Scotland. The reported influences on professional identity related to the nurse, the nursing role, patient care, the environment, the health care team and the perceptions of nursing. Professional development and time working in the profession were drivers of changes in thinking about nursing, their role and working context and their professional identity. Additionally, participants sought validation of their professional identity from others external to the profession.
Keywords: Education; Mixed methods research; Nursing; Professional identity; Registered nurses.
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