Background: Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is reco-gnized as a reference treatment for opioid dependence. According to Italian Law, at the beginning of the treatment patients must receive medication under the supervision of a physician, to avoid overdose. After a period of stability, patients could be allowed to take methadone at home in pre-arranged and personalized concentrations, in order to empower their self-responsibility. The aim of the present investigation is to underline the presence of a "glitch in the system" of the MMT.
Methods: In the last three years, 7 forensic autopsies and toxi-cological analysis on corpses of regular opioid users were performed into the Institute of Legal Medicine of Bari.
Conclusion: Therefor an improvement of the MMT's guideline is needed to reduce methadone overdose deaths in future.
Results: In all these cases very high methadone concentration in blood were found. All the 7 subjects were following a MMT in a Public Health Institute and the cause of death was respiratory depression by overdose of methadone in 6 cases.
Keywords: Guidelines; Methadone maintenance treat-ment; Methadone overdose.