Several members of the highly conserved oxytocin/vasopressin neuropeptide family are involved in the regulation of reproductive and affiliative behaviours in numerous vertebrate and invertebrate species. Here we investigate gene expression patterns of inotocin, the insect ortholog of this peptide family, and its receptor to decipher their possible role in the control of reproductive behaviour in a beetle, Lethrus apterus, with biparental care. In an experiment performed on individuals of a wild population, we found that inotocin is not related to the control of water balance in this species because expression patterns did not change as a response to drought exposure. The expression levels of inotocin and its receptor, however, increased over the reproductive season i.e., when behaviour shifts from pair formation to parental care, suggesting that inotocin might be involved in the regulation of parental care in this insect. No difference was, however, found between sexes; a finding which might indicate that inotocin plays a similar role in both parents.
Keywords: Gene expression; Insect; Neuropeptide; Oxytocin/vasopressin ortholog; Pair-bonding.
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