Reference Intervals of Thyroid Function Tests Assessed by Immunoassay and Mass Spectrometry in Healthy Pregnant Women Living in Catalonia

J Clin Med. 2021 May 31;10(11):2444. doi: 10.3390/jcm10112444.


Background: Recent guidelines recommend establishing a local reference interval (RI) for thyroid function. We aimed to establish trimester-specific RIs for thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) in a cohort of healthy pregnant women in Catalonia (Spain).

Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted with 332 healthy pregnant women, from the first trimester (1T) to delivery. TSH was measured using an Architect® immunoassay (Abbott) and FT4 by two immunoassays, Architect® (Abbott) and Cobas® (Roche), in the three trimesters. FT4 was also measured by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) in the 1T.

Results: TSH (µUI/mL) increased throughout pregnancy (1T: 0.03-3.78; 2T: 0.51-3.53; 3T: 0.50-4.32; p < 0.0001) and FT4 (pmol/L) progressively decreased (Architect® 1T: 10.42-15.96; 2T: 8.37-12.74; 3T: 8.24-12.49; p < 0.0001; and Cobas®: 1T: 11.46-19.05; 2T: 9.65-14.67; 3T: 8.88-14.54; p < 0.0067). The FT4 RI during 1T determined LC/MS/MS was 8.75-18.27. Despite the 1T FT4 results measured by LC/MS/MS and with the two immunoassays being significantly correlated, the results obtained by the three methods were found to be non-interchangeable.

Conclusions: We established trimester-specific RIs for TSH and for FT4 with immunoassays in our population. We also validated the 1T FT4 using LC/MS/MS to confirm the results of FT4 lower than the 2.5th percentile or higher than the 97.5th percentile.

Keywords: immunoassays; pregnancy; reference intervals; tandem mass; thyroid function.