High-energy few-ps pulses from a Ho:YLF chirped pulse amplifier operating at a 1 kHz repetition rate are compressed in a two-stage arrangement to sub-90-fs duration. The energy of the compressed pulses is more than 20 mJ at an average power of 20 W. In the first stage, the duration of the 2.8 ps, 40 mJ pulses at 2.05 µm wavelength was reduced to 1.4 ps by using nonlinear propagation in air. Subsequently, the pulses were further compressed to 86 fs after spectral broadening in a 3-m-long Kr-filled stretched flexible hollow-core fiber. The high photon flux, peak power, and excellent beam quality and stability make this light source highly attractive for fs pulse generation in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) to x-ray spectral range for time-resolved XUV spectroscopy or measurements of structural dynamics in solids.