Study design: This is a double blind phase II/III placebo-controlled randomized trial of the safety and efficacy of GH treatment in incomplete chronic traumatic spinal cord injury.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility to use exogenous GH administration for motor recovery in chronic traumatic incomplete human SCI. The objectives were to establish safety and efficacy of a combined treatment of subcutaneous GH (or placebo) and rehabilitation in this population.
Setting: Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos METHODS: The pharmacological treatment was a subcutaneous daily dose of growth hormone (GH, Genotonorm 0.4 mg, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals) or placebo for one year. The pharmacological treatment was performed, during the first six months under hospitalization and supervised rehabilitation.
Results: The main findings were that the combined treatment of GH plus rehabilitation treatment is feasible and safe, and that GH but not placebo increases the ISNCSCI motor score. On the other hand, the motor-score increment was marginal (after one-year combined treatment, the mean increment of the motor-score was around 2.5 points). Moreover, we found that intensive and long-lasting rehabilitation program per se increases the functional outcome of SCI individuals (measured using SCIM III and WISCI II).
Conclusions: It is important to highlight that our aim was to propose GH as a possible treatment to improve motor functions in incomplete SCI individuals. At least with the doses we used, we think that the therapeutic effects of this approach are not clinically relevant in most subjects with SCI.
© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to International Spinal Cord Society.