Regulation of gene expression is a key feature for higher eukaryotes and how chromatin topology relates to gene activation is an intense area of research. Enhancer-promoter interactions are believed to mediate activation of target genes. Bidirectional transcription represents one hallmark of active enhancers that can be measured using transcriptome technologies such as Cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE). Recently, we have developed RNA and DNA interacting complexes ligated and sequenced (RADICL-Seq) a novel methodology to map genome-wide RNA-chromatin interactions in intact nuclei. Here, we describe how CAGE and RADICL-Seq data can be used to characterize enhancer elements and identify their target genes.
Keywords: Chromatin; Enhancer; Promoter; RNA; TSS.
© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.