Introduction: Male reproductive health is rapidly declining during the past decades and it is well known that scrotal temperature is linked to male infertility.
Material and methods: We performed a prospective data evaluation within a counterfactual analysis study design. Scrotal cooling was performed using Snowballs™ underwear, scrotal temperature was monitored using a wireless temperature sensor (SensorPush, Brooklyn, NY, 11215).
Results: Overall, scrotal skin temperatures were monitored for 1008 hours. Median scrotal skin temperature was 34.6°C (IQR 33.1 to 35.3) and 35.3°C (IQR 34.4 to 35.9) in the experimental (SnowWedge™) period and control period, respectively, which was significantly different (P <0.001).
Conclusions: Cyclic scrotal skin cooling using specialized underwear is feasible and efficacious without impairing the activities of daily living and reduces median scrotal skin temperature significantly by 0.7°C. Given the proven association of scrotal skin temperature and semen quality, cyclic scrotal skin cooling by a device such as Snowballs™ underwear may eventually increase semen quality and fertility.
Keywords: cooling underwear; fertility; semen quality.
Copyright by Polish Urological Association.