Sixteen patients with unilateral subcortical haemorrhagic or ischaemic stroke, confirmed by CT, were evaluated for the presence of aphasia and neglect. Compared with patients without neuropsychological deficits, left brain-damaged aphasic and right brain-damaged neglect patients showed a significantly greater reduction of cortical perfusion on N,N,N1-trimethyl-N1-(2)-hydroxy-3-methyl-5-(I-123) iodobenzyl-1,3-propanediamine 2 HCl I-123 (HIPDM) and single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT). These results suggest that major cortical derangement is the crucial factor for the appearance of aphasia or neglect after a subcortical stroke. These remote effects, which are related to the size of the subcortical lesion, are interpreted in terms of interruption of neural connections (diaschisis).