Pregnancy and Delivery in a 27-Year-Old ICD Carrier

Maedica (Bucur). 2021 Dec;16(4):729-733. doi: 10.26574/maedica.2020.16.4.729.


Implantable cardiac devices represent the first line treatment option used not only for secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death but also for primary prevention in patients with cardiac pathologies considered at risk of sudden cardiac death caused by ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. The number of women with implantable cardiac devices reaching child bearing age is expected to increase more and more in the next years. Despite this tendency, there are only a few reported cases of pregnancies in implantable cardiac defibrillator carriers, leading to insufficient evidence and clear guideline recommendations on how to manage and monitor pregnancy in patients with this type of cardiac pathology. Closely monitoring within a multidisciplinary team consisting of an obstretician, electrophysiologist and anesthesiologist is required for this group of pregnant patients in order to achieve the best maternal and neonatal results. The present study describes the case of succesful outcome in a 27-year-old implantable cardiac defibrillator carrier implanted after an aborted cardiac arrest and reccurent polymorphic ventricular tachycardia due to myocarditis eight years prior to pregnancy, with an aim to emphasize the monitoring particularities and management during pregnancy.

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  • Editorial