A comparison was made of the adherence of different Candida species to human epithelial cells. Three strains each of C. albicans serotype A, serotype B, C. stellatoidea, C. tropicalis, C. krusei and C. glabrata recently clinical isolated were studied. The adherence assay, run in triplicate, was carried out using pooled buccal epithelial cells from healthy donors. The results indicate that both serotypes of C. albicans adhere to buccal epithelial cells in a significantly greater degree than the other species tested and there is no differences between C. albicans serotypes A and B. The rate of adherence of C. stellatoidea and C. tropicalis was similar to that of C. albicans serotypes A and B respectively. Among different strains of C. stellatoidea, C. tropicalis and C. glabrata, the adherence varied significantly and it is possible that there exist a relationship with different degree of pathogenicity of these particular strains.