Electric-Field-Controlled Cold Dipolar Collisions between Trapped CH_{3}F Molecules

Phys Rev Lett. 2022 May 20;128(20):203401. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.203401.


Reaching high densities is a key step toward cold-collision experiments with polyatomic molecules. We use a cryofuge to load up to 2×10^{7} CH_{3}F molecules into a boxlike electric trap, achieving densities up to 10^{7}/cm^{3} at temperatures around 350 mK where the elastic dipolar cross section exceeds 7×10^{-12} cm^{2}. We measure inelastic rate constants below 4×10^{-8} cm^{3}/s and control these by tuning a homogeneous electric field that covers a large fraction of the trap volume. Comparison to ab initio calculations gives excellent agreement with dipolar relaxation. Our techniques and findings are generic and immediately relevant for other cold-molecule collision experiments.