During postnatal cardiac development, cardiomyocytes mature and turn into adult ones. Hence, all cellular properties, including morphology, structure, physiology and metabolism, are changed. One of the most important aspects is the contractile apparatus, of which the minimum unit is known as a sarcomere. Sarcomere maturation is evident by enhanced sarcomere alignment, ultrastructural organization and myofibrillar isoform switching. Any maturation process failure may result in cardiomyopathy. Sarcomere function is intricately related to other organelles, and the growing evidence suggests reciprocal regulation of sarcomere and mitochondria on their maturation. Herein, we summarize the molecular mechanism that regulates sarcomere maturation and the interplay between sarcomere and other organelles in cardiomyocyte maturation. This article is part of the theme issue 'The cardiomyocyte: new revelations on the interplay between architecture and function in growth, health, and disease'.
Keywords: cardiomyocytes; maturation; sarcomere.